Producing local, affordable and cleaner solar panels

Project leader

Manaa Electric (Luxembourg)

Local partner

Africa Energy Solaire – AES (Burkina Faso)

Amount of co-financing

EUR 119,928


In Burkina Faso, there is almost no production of solar panels. Instead, the country relies on importing 60% of its electricity needs and has a low rate of access to electricity. The solutions offered in the market aren’t well-suited to the requirements of local communities. Additionally, the current production of solar panels contributes to environmental harm.

Innovative solution

The partners are setting up a pilot solar panel production unit in Burkina Faso. The technologies developed by Manaa Electric reduce CO2 emissions linked to the extraction of silicon and the production of green cells. The use of chemicals is also reduced. Centralised, local production means that solar panels are more affordable and cleaner.


  • Local, sustainable production of solar panels to cover the needs of the local population at a competitive cost
  • Creation of 25 direct jobs in the production and marketing of solar panels

Targeted Sustainable Development Goals
