Sahel – Call for proposals – LuxAid Challenge Fund

Benefit from co-financing to get your innovative, high-impact entrepreneurial project off the ground

Are you a business with a game-changing innovation in food safety or distance learning? Need funding to elevate your marketing and attract future investors? Discover the LuxAid Challenge Fund!

The LuxAid Challenge Fund is now accepting proposals until January 8, 2024.

This first call will co-finance up to 15 enterprises registered in Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal, offering between EUR 50,000 and EUR 140,000 (around CFAF 30 to 90 million), within a total allocation of 1 million EUR. Don’t miss this opportunity to scale your impact!

The LuxAid Challenge Fund targets start-ups that have already tested their products or services on the market, generating initial commercial revenues. This co-financing will support projects lasting 1-2 years, helping businesses to tackle key challenges such as: expanding marketing efforts and customer base, aligning the business model with market demand, strengthening teams and preparing for first external investments.

Find out more with the replay of the presentation webinar (in French).

Food safety, Distance learning

50k to 140 KEUR

8 January 2024

Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal

Processus de séléction

  • 1

    Call for proposals

    Submission of applications on the dedicated submission platform:

    • Detailed presentation of the project;
    • Associated budget;
    • Supporting documents proving eligibility;
    • Etc.
  • 2


    Eligibility criteria checks

    Analysis and pre-selection of applications according to selection criteria

  • 3

    Due Diligence

    Field visits

    Analysis of additional information and documentation

  • 4


    Pitch in front of the selection committee

    Selection committee decision

    Official notification

  • 5

    Contractualisation and implementation of the project

    Negotiation of the key results indicators and target values

    Signature of a co-financing agreement between each selected enterprise and LuxDev

    Regular monitoring and evaluation for each awardee

  • Submit your application!

    Applications must be submitted by January 8, 2024 via the online portal in French or English.

    We advise you to consult the following documents (in French) and the Submission platform demo (in French) before starting to fill in the application form:


    Our FAQ is regularly updated to answer new questions from candidates. Don’t hesitate to have a look – you’re sure to find an answer to your questions.

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    Feel free to share our brochure, press release, newsletter articles, or post on your favorite social media platforms

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    For any question, don’t hesitate to contact our communications team.