Launch of the 11th edition of the Business Partnership Facility – A co-financing to foster innovative business partnerships in developing countries 

Does your company hold expertise or technology with broad potential? Looking to test your solution through a pilot project or to introduce it to new markets?  The Business Partnership Facility (BPF) gives you the boost you need to expand internationally and make a meaningful impact. 

Forging economic partnerships to tackle critical societal issues

Acknowledging the pivotal role of the private sector in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Luxembourg’s ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade created the BPF in 2016. 

Over the course of its previous ten editions, this program has backed 41 partnership projects between European companies and entities in over 20 developing countries. 

In the framework of the eleventh edition of the BPF, a new call for proposals is now underway. 

The BPF supports initiatives addressing key societal challenges for the development of the partner countries: poverty, food security, climate change, quality education, decent work, economic growth, access to clean water, and more. 

Leveraging the innovation capacity of Luxembourgish businesses 

The BPF targets Luxembourgish or European companies, registered for over 3 years, with a minimum turnover of 500,000 EUR, and employing at least 5 people. It offers co-financing of up to 200,000 EUR for the implementation of an innovative and impactful project within a strong partnership with an entity in a developing country (company, NGO, public entity, etc.). Whether it’s knowledge transfer, feasibility studies, or piloting new solutions in untapped markets, the goal is to bring the benefit of innovations “Made in Luxembourg” to developing countries.  

Submit your project by April 30th 

Support will cover up to 50% of the project costs (up to a maximum of EUR 200,000). Interested companies have until April 30th to submit their application. 

The selection process involves multiple steps: 

About BPF 

The BPF is initiated and funded by the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, Luxinnovation, and the Ministry of the Economy

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