BPF Event – Inspiring and Connecting Changemakers in Luxembourg!

Entrepreneurs, innovators, ecosystem partners, and BPF project leaders convened on Monday, 14 October, at the House of Startups to learn about the Business Partnership Facility (BPF) and generate new ideas for innovative and impactful projects. Their ambition: To become the next changemakers! Here are the event’s highlights.

A launchpad for startups

Anne Homan, Corporate Innovation Advisor, representing the House of Startups, kicked off the session by presenting the BPF as a genuine launchpad for startups, enabling them to expand into developing countries while showcasing their “Made in Luxembourg” expertise.

Spotlight on the private sector

For Georges Ternes, Director General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, the private sector is a driver of innovation and growth in developing countries. By creating jobs, providing innovative solutions, and mobilising investments, it plays a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Support and risk sharing

Manuel Tonnar, Director General of LuxDev, discussed the BPF’s role in sharing the financial risks of implementing high-impact, innovative activities, especially in fragile contexts. He also explained how LuxDev supports co-financed enterprises to adopt Responsible Business Conduct practices.

Innovative projects in action

During an engaging powertalk, the newly selected BPF laureates shared their projects and impact objectives:

  • Danielle Warmerdam and Erwin Schöpges from Fairkoperativ aim to provide a stable income to 250 Burkinabe farmers by improving local milk processing.
  • Jabir Chakib highlighted e-lma’s ambition to create 100 skilled jobs in Kosovo while addressing skill shortages in the Luxembourg financial sector.
  • Jonas Van Eyck from Made with Love plans to convert 800 Kenyan motor taxis to electric by 2025, using reliable and affordable battery systems.

The importance of partnership

Maria Matteo from Ibisa shared valuable lessons learned from the completed Ibisa project in Niger. She emphasised the importance of choosing the right local partner to ensure a good market understanding and build mutually beneficial relationships for sustainable impact.

How to apply for the BPF?

In a panel discussion led by Nicole Avez-Nana, Angéline Rousseau from LuxDev explained the BPF selection process and introduced the new website packed with useful information and inspiration. Meanwhile, Paolo Tamagnone shared RSS-Hydro’s concrete experience with the BPF process, highlighting the opportunities created for expanding their activities in Africa (more info on the project in this article).

Promising networking cocktail

The event wrapped up with a networking cocktail, where participants forged connections and exchanged ideas for future collaborations around the BPF. Ukrainian entrepreneurs from the Catapult Luxembourg bootcamp organised by the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT), seized this chance to explore new ventures and connect with potential Luxembourg partners.

A heartfelt thank you to all BPF partners (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and External Trade, Ministry of the Economy, Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg, and Luxinnovation), for their support, which enhances the quality and reach of the services offered, to meet the expectations of BPF project leaders. Thanks also to the event partners: the House of Startups, the LHoFT, and all the institutional partners who circulated the invitation within their networks, raising awareness of the BPF among a wider audience, thus promoting the expansion of Luxembourgish innovations for a sustainable impact in developing countries.

Discover the event in pictures!

Photo credit ©LuxDev – Pancake! photographie

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