Accelerating impact through innovation

LuxAid Challenge Fund

Are you a young business or cooperative registered in one of the countries where Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation is active? Are you developing an innovative project aimed at addressing societal issues in your country?

If so, check out the LuxAid Challenge Fund co-financing opportunities!

What is the LuxAid Challenge Fund?

Accelerating impact through direct support to local innovative entrepreneurs

The LuxAid Challenge Fund targets impactful start-up enterprises in countries where Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation is active.  It is designed to propel innovative solutions with high impact potential to enhance living conditions and safeguard the environment in these countries.


EUR 120,000



Who can benefit from the LuxAid Challenge Fund?

Interested enterprises can apply to specific open calls for proposals. The average co-financing amount is EUR 120,000, covering up to 70% of total project expenses.

Each call for proposals is unique, open to applications from either a single country or multiple countries.
The sectors targeted by each call are defined based on the strategic priorities of Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation in the respective countries.

Selection process

  • 1

    Call for proposals

    Submission of a concept note

  • 2


    Eligibility criteria checks

    Analysis of the applications

    Pitch presentation of the highest ranked projects

    Pre-selection decision

  • 3

    Due Diligence

    Field visits of pre-selected projects

    In-depth analysis of the proposal and any additional documentation

  • 4


    Final decision by the selection committee

  • 5

    Contractualisation and project implementation

    Definition of project’s key results indicators

    Signature of the co-financing agreement

    Regular monitoring and evaluation

  • Supported projects

    Our coordinator is here for you!

    Laura CATANA
    LuxAid Challenge Fund
