Impact Finance.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities.

Entrepreneurs can play a key role in innovating solutions to improve lives. Recognising this potential, the Luxembourg government has launched three private sector engagement funds: the Business Partnership Facility, the LuxAid Challenge Fund and the LuxAid Demonstration Fund.

These funds are an integral part of our development cooperation efforts, and their mission consists in fast-tracking solutions that have social and environmental impact and accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals.

Supporting innovation.
Fostering collaboration.
Accelerating positive impact.

Entrepreneurs are pioneering innovative solutions, products, services, or approaches to address key challenges in countries where Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation is active.

Innovations involve discovering, adapting, implementing, and scaling new solutions to address existing challenges or fulfill unmet needs.

We strive to support these solutions and propel them towards success. By leveraging the private sector’s innovation potential, we work to alleviate poverty and enhance access to education, water, healthcare, nutrition, jobs, or other basic rights.

We stand as partners to an impactful private sector, united to nurture sustainable, inclusive growth in developing countries. We are committed to foster the establishment and growth of fruitful partnerships and collaborations between Luxembourg, European private sector innovators, and entities in developing countries.

Empowering private sector innovations at every stage of growth

Our three funds cater to diverse co-financing needs, adapting to their varying stages of maturity.

Business Partnership Facility

Are you an enterprise based in Luxembourg or the European Union eager to develop innovative solutions for developing countries?

The Business Partnership Facility supports partnerships around pioneering projects spearheaded by enterprises based in the European Union, regardless of their stage of development. The innovation should actively enhance living conditions for local communities.

LuxAid Challenge Fund

Are you a young enterprise based in one of Luxembourg Cooperation’s priority countries? Have you developed and tested an innovative approach, product, or service addressing a significant social challenge in your country?

Explore the LuxAid Challenge Fund’s calls for proposals to secure co-financing and amplify the impact of your innovation!

LuxAid Demonstration Fund

Are you a growing, more mature business with an innovative solution, as well as a proven impact and business model? Are you located in Kosovo, Rwanda, or Senegal?

The LuxAid Demonstration Fund supports the take-off of your initiative, empowering you to scale up and amplify the positive impact of your endeavors.

Let us guide you!

Find the right fund for your innovation

Take our eligibility quiz below to see if you qualify for one of our co-financing funds.

Who are you?

Our vision

Private sector as
change maker

We support enterprises committed to a Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) and pioneering innovations that advance the Sustainable Development Goals.


We support equitable partnerships based on risk- and cost-sharing. We walk hand in hand with change makers.

lasting impact

We target commercial innovations that deliver positive impact and demonstrate long-term benefits for people in target countries.

Additionality –
Maximise the impact

Our intervention enables the achievement of greater results, that would not have been achieved otherwise, or not as quickly, or not on this scale.

Examples of supported projects