Launch of the 12th edition of the BPF: Business partnerships for sustainable development

Leveraging innovation of Luxembourgish enterprises to address major societal challenges

Launched in 2016, by the Luxembourg Development Cooperation, the Business Partnership Facility (BPF) has already supported 44 projects between European companies and entities based in over 20 developing countries. The BPF targets solutions addressing key societal challenges in partner countries: poverty, food security, climate change, quality education, decent work, job creation, access to clean water, and more.

During the last edition, three partnership projects were selected:

The Business Partnership Facility – Launching a new open call for innovative partnerships

As part of the 12th edition of the BPF, a new call for proposals is now open.

The BPF targets Luxembourgish or EU-based enterprises, registered for over 3 years, with a minimum turnover of EUR 500,000 (or three times the amount of the requested co-financing), and employing at least 5 people. The co-financing covers up to 50% of the project costs, with a cap of EUR 200,000. This support is intended for implementing innovative, high-impact projects in collaboration with partners from developing countries, such as businesses, NGOs, or public entities.

Whether through knowledge transfer, feasibility studies, or piloting new solutions in untapped markets, the goal is to bring the benefits of innovations “Made in Luxembourg” to developing countries and establish mutually beneficial partnerships.

Submit your project by October 31st on the new website

Check out our new website ( for the practical guide and to submit your proposal online!

This edition introduces a fully digital selection process: both steps are now online. Enterprises should submit their applications via the platform ( After an initial screening, pre-selected candidates will move to step 2 to present detailed proposals and pitch their projects to the selection committee. The final selection will be made in Spring 2025.

Curious to learn more? Join our online info sessions and get your questions answered live!

Save the date !

Join us on October 14 at 3:30 PM at the Luxembourg House of Startups! Don’t miss this unique chance to meet the BPFvisionaries, explore opportunities for your business, and network with the community of changemakers!  


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