Legal disclaimer

Our goal is to disseminate up-to-date information. We make all efforts to correct the errors that are brought to our attention.

However, information published on does not engage the responsibility of Lux-Development S.A.

Lux-Development S.A. accepts no responsibility or liability with regard to the use of the data contained in the pages published on this site. The contents are published for information only. They include information that is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up-to-date. In case of differences between the information published on this site and original documents, the original documents, such as they were published in an official publication, shall prevail.

This site may be linked to external sites over which Lux-Development S.A. has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.

Lux-Development S.A. accepts no responsibility with regard to any damage caused to your computer as a result of using this site.

Lux-Development S.A. accepts no responsibility in case of disruption, even temporary, in the service provided by this site.

These clauses of non-responsibility are not intended to contravene any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.


In the absence of any indication to the contrary, the reproduction of information contained on this site is authorized for non-commercial purposes on the condition that the source is expressly mentioned.

Photos credits

For photographs of co-financed projects: unless explicitly stated otherwise, it is assumed that the photographer has obtained consent for the right to use the image from the individuals photographed. Therefore, LuxDev uses these photos without having to indicate the associated photo credit. For any questions/complaints, please contact

Data protection

In the context of the performance of its tasks, LuxDev collects and processes a number of personal data. We attach paramount importance to the respect of privacy and the protection of the personal data of all persons concerned.

This is why we undertake to process your personal data securely and in compliance with the European Regulation of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data as well as with the applicable national law on the subject.

The information notice on the protection of personal data informs you about how we collect and process your personal information. It details the reasons (legal basis) for collecting your personal data, the purposes for which it is collected and the rights you have over your personal data and how you can exercise them.